Friday, January 11, 2008

The greatest gift is giving.

I just watched a news story about a bank in North Dakota that gave its employees 1,000 dollars to give away to anyone they wanted to. For me, I love to give back to the community and volunteer. It makes me feel so much better after I have done that. I wish that I could have money and document the money that I give away. Maybe one day I can start a "giving blog", that will keep up with the people and their stories that I gave money to. I think that would be a great experience for me. It would make me so happy and allow me to meet so many wonderful people. I am a very caring person and would love to make someone's day or week by giving them a little gift to carry then on. If for some reason you are reading my blog and know someone who would like to give me money,let me know. I know this concept is nearly impossible but it would be amazing to videotape it and write about it. Maybe i can throw this concept around to people and give money away by using advertising the company's name. That's all it takes for some company to donate 100 dollars or so. Maybe years from now I can come back to this concept and do it. Until next time, be safe, be informed, and blog!

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