Thursday, June 12, 2008

The DREAM Act, immigration reform

There are many illegal immigrants who were brought to this country at a very young age. I believe that these immigrants should have a chance at legal status. This is why I support the DREAM Act, which is a legislation that would allow long-term illegal immigrants a chance at applying for legal status. These students would have to have a clean criminal record and go to college for two years or serve in the military for two years. It would take these students at least six years until they would be able to apply to be a permanent residence. I believe that this should be one of the many changes in the process of immigration reform. We should not blame these young people who want to go on to college and do something with their lives. If you agree with this, please search the DREAM Act, and e-mail your state representative and tell them to support the DREAM Act.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good words.