Thursday, April 17, 2008


Do you want to know why I am turning away from Christianity? Christians! I have received many e-mails stating that I am going to have “eternal consequences” and that I am not a Christian. I thought being a Christian is accepting that Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins. After these past weeks, it seems that I am wrong. Basically, people are telling me I am going to hell because of my personal opinions on issue like same-sex marriage and abortion. Every time I receive an e-mail, I am stepping farther and farther away from Christianity. These people need to learn that you cannot convert me by telling me I am going to go to hell. If you want to try and convert someone, you need to respect the person you are talking to. I just thought I would let these people know, that you are doing a great job turning people away from religion.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Muslims and Christians

This next coming week is Islam Awareness Week at MTSU. A friend of mine who I met on my volunteering trip to Chicago is the president of Muslim Student Association. I am very excited to attend some of the events that she and her organization are putting on. I get really get upset when people want to protest Muslims in general? People base their judgments off radical Muslim in the Middle East. They portray all Muslim hating all Americans and Jews. People will tell stories of different Muslims doing horrible things. I can tell you the same amount of things that Christians do that aren’t right. I read a story about 10 Christians who attacked a Jewish couple because they wished them a Happy Hanukah. Luckily, a Muslim teenager stepped in a saved the Jewish couple from being beaten to death. See, I can play the same game as everyone does and tell you stories from the other side. You can’t base your judgments off of news stories. Of course, the news is going to portray the worst of the worst. What I have learn about Christianity is that God is the only one who can judge, so why is everyone judging these other religions. You are not God, or anywhere close to him! There are many Muslims out there; some that you don’t even know are Muslims. Let’s break down these stereotypes between these religions. I have been best friends with Muslims for years now; it has opened me up to a whole new interesting culture. I challenge each one of you, go out and learn something new.

Friday, April 4, 2008


Every six minutes a woman dies because of an UNSAFE abortion.  There are many women dying in other countries because abortion is illegal. The number of woman dying would increase dramatically if the USA decided to ban abortion. Abortion is the right of the woman and should always be. The numbers show that each year 1/3 of all pregnancies are unplanned and 1/4 of pregnant women decide to abort. This should be a right to every woman! This issue doesn't deal with morality or anything of that sort, it deals with a woman's right to choose!

Gay Marriage

What if you couldn’t marry the person you love? This is happening to many people in the United States of America because they happened to love someone of the same gender. Gay marriage should be legal and they should have the exact same rights as men and women who are in love. I always hear that you should always treat people equal, so why can't we treat these couples equal? I hope that I will be able to see my friends marry the person they love.